December 3-31, 2023
The Promise
Hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, the prophets foretold that a Messiah would come. Micah described the caring shepherd who would watch over his flock. Isaiah announced a great king whose realm would be marked by endless peace and justice. Hosea provided the image of a loving parent who tended and healed wounds. This Advent, we will behold the wonder of Christ as we anticipate the celebration of his birth.
See, the Lord God comes with might, and his arm rules for him; his reward is with him and his recompense before him.
He will feed his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms and carry them in his bosom and gently lead the mother sheep.
– Isaiah 40:1-11
Week 5: December 31, 2023
Salvation is Here
Isaiah 11:1-9
Rev. Cherie Hambleton
Week 4: December 24, 2023
A Loving Parent is Coming
Hosea 11:1-4
Rev. Debbie Whaley
Week 3: December 17, 2023
A King is Coming
Isaiah 9:2-7
Rev. Debbie Whaley
Week 2: December 10, 2023
A Shepherd is Coming
Micah 5:2-4
Rev. Debbie Whaley
Week 1: December 3, 2023
The Promise
A Christmas Pageant & Carol Sing
Children, Youth, and Celebration Choirs