Serve Our City
At MWPC, Hunger Ministry is at the heart of our outreach efforts, overseen by our Serve Ministry Team. Our holistic approach to alleviating hunger locally as well as globally encompasses the provision of food in dignified ways with an eye towards long-term structural solutions. To the extent possible, our programs offer the chance for people of all ages and backgrounds, with differing stories and faith journeys to come together to serve our community. Read on to see how you can serve with us or financially support our work.
For more information or to engage in any of our outreach ministries, please email hungerministry@mwpc-church.org.

Upcoming Service Opportunities
Hunger Ministry
Mobile Food Pantry
Four to six times each year, thousands of pounds of groceries are distributed at the church to 100+ families in need.
Join us for our next Mobile Food Pantry!Contact: Laura
Senior Boxes
Via the Freestore Foodbank, boxes of shelf-stable food and cheese are delivered from MWPC to senior citizens in our area each month.
Contact: Kathleen -
Community Meal
On the third Sunday of every month we provide a hot meal and fellowship to our community. We can always use volunteers to cook, set up, serve, and clean up. Dinner is served between 5:30-6:30pm
Contact: Lisa for cooking team
Contact: James to volunteer for serve, set up, or clean up -
Little Pantry
The community is invited to contribute items to this source of emergency food on our church grounds, available to our neighbors in need 24/7.
Contact: James
Pantry Shelf
Donations of non-perishable food or personal care items may be left on the designated shelf in the Gathering Area. Specific requests are highlighted each month.
Contact: Laura
MWPC Garden
Spring - Summer On Wednesday @ 9:30am, join others who love gardening to raise vegetables for our neighbors in need! Produce raised goes to benefit the Mobile Food Pantry, donations to the SEM food Pantry, Community Meals, etc.
Contact: Mary Lou
Other Service Ministries
Backpack Project
Each year, over 250 local students receive backpacks and school supplies tailored to meet their specific needs. Volunteers donate money, supplies and time to sort, fill and deliver backpacks in the late summer.
Contact: Tracey
Family Service Days
At least twice each year, opportunities are provided to volunteer as a group at a local agency, such as “The Hub”, Matthew 25 Ministries and the Freestore Foodbank, doing whatever work they have in mind for us!
Contact: Jim
Hunger Fund
Monetary gifts support our Hunger Ministry, including hands-on opportunities and generous financial gifts to SEM Food Pantry and to agencies addressing root causes of hunger around the world.
Donations may be made at the bottom of this webpage or by check to the church. Mark checks clearly with “Hunger Fund.”
Mt. Washington School Food Distribution
At various times throughout the year, groceries are provided for families at our partner school, Mt Washington Elementary.
Contact: Tracey -
Mission Trips
Journey with us on intergenerational mission trips to provide relief to those needing a hand. Destinations and frequency vary.
Contact: James
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
When disaster strikes, Presbyterians from around the country form teams to help recovery efforts and lend financial and spiritual support.
Individuals can make financial donations to the Presbyterian Disaster Relief Fund online or by check to the church office, with PDA marked in the memo line.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
Opportunities to Donate
Donations may be made online or by check to the church, clearly marked for the particular cause. Certain options may only be available as the event nears.
Gifts to the Hunger Fund support our efforts to alleviate hunger and its root causes in our community and around the world.
Donations allow this group to organize volunteers to respond to disasters all over the world, staying until communities are restored. Visit pda.pcusa.org for more information.
These four annual denominational offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost, Peace & Global Witness and Christmas Joy) support various efforts within the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Visit specialofferings.pcusa.org for more information.
Donations for this annual Memorial Day event are used to support our various Hunger Ministry efforts throughout the year.
Contributions to this annual summer project fund backpacks and school supplies for over 250 area students, tailored to meet their specific needs.
Support may be directed to your choice of many worthy causes around the world during this longstanding MWPC tradition each November.
Donations help provide Christmas gifts for many area children in need.