Sunday School
September through May.
In our 6th-12th grade Sunday school class, we design our own curriculum to the youths’ requests and needs. Classes range from being a Christian outside of church to finding God in pop culture references like Harry Potter or Star Wars! It's always a great way to start your Sunday morning. Get connected with Ashley, Director of Children and Youth, today!

Youth Group
September through May.
Join your friends after church for fun, fellowship, and Bible Studies. Y/G meets after worship. Those interested in coming should email Ashley.

January through May.
9th graders who are interested in exploring their faith while learning and growing together are welcome to join us for this 10-week class. Confirmands will explore topics like the Sacraments, finding God in images, and PCUSA polity all while discovering and discerning their own beliefs. Those interested in joining our class should email Ashley.