Music Ministries

At Mt. Washington Presbyterian, we believe music is at the heart of worship. We have a variety of different ensembles to join, for everyone from beginning musician to virtuoso! Come make a joyful noise unto the Lord with us!

  • Celebration Choir: Thursdays, 7pm

    People of all ages and abilities are welcome to sing in the choir. Reading music is not a requirement! You can join us to sing for worship or special services like Christmas Eve and Easter.

    Contact Joshua Goines for more information

  • Jubellation Handbell Choir: Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm

    The church handbell choir would love to welcome new ringers. We will teach ringing techniques to beginners, but the ability to read music is a requirement for this group.

    Contact Joshua Goines for more information

  • The Grateful Living Praise Band: Sundays, 11:30am

    This contemporary worship group consists of an instrumental band and singers. Anyone who can play and/or wants to sing is welcome to join!

    Contact Joshua Goines for more information